To ask for a hug can often times be a difficult thing. I know that seems weird to say because hugs just tend to happen. However, Sometimes when we need that hug the most, no one knows.
Someone hugged me the other day just because, and it reminded me of the significance of human touch.
As I dare myself and others to be more kind, I've been thinking a lot about the power of human touch. To be connected to another human is magical. A simple gesture such as lightly tapping someones arm, grabbing someone's hand in excitement and a gentle hug, can snap us back into presence and remind us that we should focus on sharing a moment with someone instead of sharing it with our thoughts.
I've become aware that personally I need some extra hugs these days. There has been a lot going on in my life. I've also become aware that the best way to get more hugs is to give them.
So I'm daring myself to hug more, to reach out more, to be present in moments. If you know me and you catch me getting stuck in my head, snap me back in to reality. Remind me to live in the moment. Not only am I daring myself, I'm daring you. I triple dog dare you, to hug more, cuddle more, love more.
Some people get so wrapped up in thoughts and emotions that they never let anyone close. Never let any one hug them,never let any one console them,never let anyone love them. I can't live like that. We can't live in a world were our whole existence is based on touch and nobody connects. It would just be unnatural, but I feel like more and more each day people are disconnecting from others more than they are connecting.
If we ignore the basic need of being connected to others it eliminates the need for empathy, kindness, love and hope.
No one wants to live in a hopeless world.
Again, I dare you.. REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEBODY( just not in a creepy way!)
Also, I leave you with this wonderful video I came across 2 weeks ago, all about a kind soul who believes in the power of hugs and love.